Our Funding

The Global Teachers Institute offers an excellent opportunity for companies and charitable foundations to make a difference in South Africa by investing in one of the most important pillars of our education system: our teachers.

If you would like to discuss possible funding partnerships with GTI or investing in one of our flagship programmes, please get in touch with Margaret Farred, our Head of Advancement, at info@globalteachers.org or +27 (0) 87 135 8167/8/9

individual giving

Fund The Future Fundraising Campaign

Any donation will be welcome however, if you are able to, a once-off donation of R3000 and/or monthly donation of R150 will guarantee a monthly stipend and/or an internet data bundle for one Future Leader respectively. Please join the campaign by sending your donation and forwarding this letter to your own network of friends and associates. To enable us to Fund The Future, please visit www.globalteachers.org to make a donation online through our online giving partner, GivenGain. You can also make a donation directly into our bank account: 

Account Name: Global Teachers Institute
Account Type: Cheque
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Number: 6266 4422 525
Branch Clearing Code: 20 15 09 (Rondebosch)

If you make a donation directly via our bank account, we would appreciate it if you send us proof of payment to advancement@globalteachers.org so that we can acknowledge your donation.  GTI is a public benefit organisation and is able to offer Section 18A certificates for tax-deduction purposes to qualifying taxpayers.